Today is the first day of the school holidays here in Queensland Australia. As a franchisee here is your opportunity to see your brilliant team in action, a team who builds sales and helps you to get more time to enjoy your holiday period.
Here are the seven questions you need to ask yourself whilst packing your bags for the holidays.
1. Does your team know what sales you want to achieve daily?
Be sure your roster has been prepared with a clearly stated daily sales target. This target should be based on past sales history, marketing activities happening in your shopping centre/precinct and your current sales growth strategy.
2. Does your team know what labour percentage they have to meet?
Have your roster prepared with your preferred labour percentage clearly stated. Be sure you have trained your leadership team in how to monitor this target during the day as they trade so they feel confident to send staff home when they need to OR when to keep them on shift if it is busy.
3. Does your team know the average transaction value (ATV) you are aiming for?
A target is easier to hit when you can see it. Be sure that each team member knows what ATV you are aiming for. It is no surprise that when you set an ATV it is the figure that your team aims for each and every sale and will quite often smash it.
4. Does your team have their standard upsell for the holidays?
Give your team the tools they need to hit the ATV. Decide now on a standard $1, $2 and $3 upsell. If your team have a suggested upsell in their head it is easier to use it when they are completing the steps of service.
5. Does your team know who is leading each shift and who will report back to you the owner
This may seem silly and may be stating the obvious but if you have not defined your leadership team then there is no one leading the charge to meet the targets you have set. Have key people accountable for meeting your targets. This way you have effectively delegated your leadership. You can enjoy your holiday knowing someone like you, who knows your targets aims and objectives, is running the store. Your mini me!
6. Do you have an agreed and preferred communication method that you use with your leadership team?
By clarifying the preferred time each day that your team can contact you, whether by text, phone or email, you are setting the guidelines. Now the team will make a list of things to speak with you about, it will be organised and ordered and you will have the time off you deserve. No constant phone ringing interrupting your holiday activities.
7. Do you take five minutes each morning to check your key performance indicators (KPIs) so that you know your business is on track
Take control of your business and stop worrying whether things are going okay whilst you are away. Have a routine that checks your kpi’s on a regular basis. This will give you peace of mind. Follow my six step process over three stages to ACE your business. Read more
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